title = "Search for physics beyond the standard model in opposite-sign dilepton events in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV",
abstract = "A search is presented for physics beyond the standard model (SM) in final states with opposite-sign isolated lepton pairs accompanied by hadronic jets and missing transverse energy. The search is performed using LHC data recorded with the CMS detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 34 pb. -1. No evidence for an event yield beyond SM expectations is found. An upper limit on the non-SM contribution to the signal region is deduced from the results. This limit is interpreted in the context of the constrained minimal supersymmetric model. Additional information is provided to allow testing the exclusion of specific models of physics beyond the SM.",
keywords = "Hadron-Hadron Scattering",
author = "{The CMS collaboration} and S. Chatrchyan and V. Khachatryan and Sirunyan, {A. M.} and A. Tumasyan and W. Adam and T. Bergauer and M. Dragicevic and J. Er{\"o} and C. Fabjan and M. Friedl and R. Fr{\"u}hwirth and Ghete, {V. M.} and J. Hammer and S. H{\"a}nsel and M. Hoch and N. H{\"o}rmann and J. Hrubec and M. Jeitler and G. Kasieczka and W. Kiesenhofer and M. Krammer and D. Liko and I. Mikulec and M. Pernicka and H. Rohringer and R. Sch{\"o}fbeck and J. Strauss and F. Teischinger and P. Wagner and W. Waltenberger and G. Walzel and E. Widl and Wulz, {C. E.} and V. Mossolov and N. Shumeiko and {Suarez Gonzalez}, J. and L. Benucci and {De Wolf}, {E. A.} and X. Janssen and T. Maes and L. Mucibello and S. Ochesanu and B. Roland and R. Rougny and M. Selvaggi and {Van Haevermaet}, H. and {Van Mechelen}, P. and R. Arcidiacono and M. Arneodo and M. Ruspa",
year = "2011",
doi = "10.1007/JHEP06(2011)026",
language = "English",
volume = "2011",
journal = "Journal of High Energy Physics",
issn = "1126-6708",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
number = "6",