Séduction et galanterie dans les tragédies bibliques de Montchrestien : une ‘muse maquerelle’ à l’œuvre ?

Risultato della ricerca: Contributo alla conferenzaContributo in Atti di Convegnopeer review


[Machine translation] Although the declared purpose of the David and Aman tragedies by Antoine de Montchrestien is eminently edifying, a large part of these pieces is devoted to celebrating feminine beauty and its power. This particular treatment of biblical episodes of seduction is not isolated, but is part of the continuity of a poetic and iconographic tradition that was well established in the 16th century, while being functional in criticizing certain forms of love (and love poetry) that the author considers degrading.
Titolo tradotto del contributo[Machine translation] Seduction and gallantry in the biblical tragedies of Montchrestien: a 'mackerel muse' at work?
Lingua originaleFrancese
Numero di pagine34
Stato di pubblicazionePubblicato - 2018
EventoLa Tragédie sainte en France (1550-1610). Problématiques d’un genre - Vercelli, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale
Durata: 1 gen 2018 → …


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???La Tragédie sainte en France (1550-1610). Problématiques d’un genre
CittàVercelli, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale
Periodo1/01/18 → …


  • Montchrestien
  • Aman
  • David
  • tragédie
  • séduction
  • poésie érotique
  • XVIIe siècle


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