La constitution d’un répertoire de sujets ‘ovidiens’ dans la tragédie française de la Renaissance au XVIIe siècle

Risultato della ricerca: Contributo alla conferenzaContributo in Atti di Convegnopeer review


[Machine translation] Despite the extraordinary success that Ovide's work enjoyed in the 16th century, French tragedies involving mythological subjects drawing their material from the Ovid corpus were extremely rare at that time. It was not until the 1610s, that is to say some 60 years after the birth of the tragedy in France, that an ever increasing number of theatrical plays inspired by the Metamorphoses and the Heroids appeared. The Ovidian fabulae brought to the scene between the years 1610 and 1630 define a repertoire of mythological subjects that remained almost unchanged until the end of the 17th century. The dynamics of the genesis of this repertoire are analyzed in this study.
Titolo tradotto del contributo[Machine translation] The constitution of a repertory of 'Ovidian' subjects in the French tragedy of the Renaissance in the 17th century
Lingua originaleFrancese
Numero di pagine17
Stato di pubblicazionePubblicato - 2020
EventoPrésences ovidiennes - Clermont-Ferrand
Durata: 1 gen 2020 → …


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???Présences ovidiennes
Periodo1/01/20 → …


  • Ovide
  • tragédie
  • tragi-comédie
  • théâtre
  • Métamorphoses
  • Héroïdes
  • répertoire
  • sujets


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