Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for Fault Identification in a Space Robot Arm


Risultato della ricerca: Contributo alla conferenzaContributo in Atti di Convegnopeer review


The constrnction of diagnostic systems able to manage tasks like fault detection, fault localization or fault identificat.ion in autonomous \pacecraft is currently considered a txg c-hallenge for Artific~al Intell~gence technique:, I11 the present paper we report on thc work done inside a project sponsored 11y AS1 (the Italian Space Agency) aimed at h~~ildinagn intelliger~t multi-agent syste~ n for the control and superv~sion of thc Sl'IDF:I< Manipulation Systerri with some for111 of int,eract,ion with the human operat. os. III part,icular, we will discuss knowledge,iona nd reasoning issues related to t hc cmlst,ruct,ion of a modcl-based diagnost ic c~omponent which has t,o co-operate \vit,ll ot8her modules of the ~yst~emA.1 1 indrpt, h analysis of FMECA docunlent~s has ~ItdIed t he inodeling of the domain knowledge on the faulty behavior of SPIDER. I11 th~sp aper, prohlcnls related to the choice of the st~ltatm~ol~de l~ngfo rrnal~sniln volving abstrac-t~oi~asn d ~nteractiona mong compoticnts arc formally addressed, as well as the definrt~ono f Innovat~ved ~agnost~sctr atrgleb ablf. to deal w~thth e huge riunlber of possi- 111~ diagnos(>sthat mag arise during t,he diagr~ ostic act,ivit,y. The paper report,s some prelilninar); result,s of t,he prot,ot,ypical version of the diagnostic module on simulated data
Lingua originaleInglese
Numero di pagine8
Stato di pubblicazionePubblicato - 1 gen 1999
EventoIntern. Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space - iSAIRAS 99 - Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Durata: 1 gen 1999 → …


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???Intern. Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space - iSAIRAS 99
CittàNoordwijk, The Netherlands
Periodo1/01/99 → …


  • Fault Identification
  • Knowledge Representation
  • Space robots


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