T1 - Bottomonium and Drell-Yan production in p-A collisions at the CERN SPS
AU - C. Alexa, B. Alessandro10
AU - Rarnaldi, R. Arnaldi
AU - Matayan, M. Atayan
AU - Sbeolë, S. Beolë
AU - Boldea, V.
AU - Bordalo, P.
AU - Gborges, G. Borges
AU - Ccastanier, C. Castanier
AU - Castor, J.
AU - Bchaurand, B. Chaurand
AU - Bcheynis, B. Cheynis
AU - Echiavassa, E. Chiavassa
AU - Ccicalú, C. Cicalú
AU - Comets, M. P.
AU - Sconstantinescu, S. Constantinescu
AU - CORTESE, Pietro
AU - Adefalco, A. Defalco
AU - Ndemarco, N. Demarco
AU - Gdellacasa, G. Dellacasa
AU - Adevaux, A. Devaux
AU - Dita, S.
AU - Fargeix, J.
AU - Force, P.
AU - Mgallio, M. Gallio
AU - Cgerschel, C. Gerschel
AU - Giubellino, P.
AU - Mbgolubeva, M. B. Golubeva
AU - Aagrigorian, A. A. Grigorian
AU - Sgrigoryan, S. Grigoryan
AU - Guber, F. F.
AU - Aguichard, A. Guichard
AU - Hgulkanyan, H. Gulkanyan
AU - MIdzik10(b, M. Idzik10(b
AU - Djouan, D. Jouan
AU - Tlkaravitcheva, T. L. Karavitcheva
AU - Lkluberg, L. Kluberg
AU - Abkurepin, A. B. Kurepin
AU - Lebornec, Y.
AU - Clourenáo, C. Lourenáo
AU - Mmaccormick, M. Maccormick
AU - AMarzari Chiesa, A. Marzari Chiesa
AU - Mmasera, M. Masera
AU - Amasoni, A. Masoni
AU - Mmonteno, M. Monteno
AU - Amusso, A. Musso
AU - Petiau, P.
AU - Apiccotti, A. Piccotti
AU - Jrpizzi, J. R. Pizzi
AU - Prino, F.
AU - Gpuddu, G. Puddu
AU - Cquintans, C. Quintans
AU - RAMELLO, Luciano
AU - Ramello, L.
AU - Sramos, S. Ramos
AU - Lriccati, L. Riccati
AU - Hsantos, H. Santos
AU - Saturnini, P.
AU - Escomparin, E. Scomparin
AU - Sserci, S. Serci
AU - RShahoyan6(c, R. Shahoyan6(c
AU - Sigaudo, F.
AU - SITTA, Mario
AU - Sitta, M.
AU - Sonderegger, P.
AU - Xtarrago, X. Tarrago
AU - Nstopilskaya, N. S. Topilskaya
AU - Glusai, G. L. Usai
AU - Evercellin, E. Vercellin
AU - Lvillatte, L. Villatte
AU - Nwillis, N. Willis
PY - 2005/1/1
Y1 - 2005/1/1
N2 - In the past few years the NA50 experiment carried out a comprehensive study of heavy quarkonia production, both in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions. In particular, data from p-A collisions have been collected in order to estimate the size of the absorption of quarkonia states in cold nuclear matter. Along with the studies on J/psi and psi', NA50 measured for the first time Y production at 450 GeV incident energy ( sqrt(s)=29.1 GeV) on five nuclear targets (Be, Al, Cu, Ag and W) in the dimuon decay channel. We report here results on the cross section at mid-rapidity and the nuclear dependence of Y and Drell-Yan production. We analyzed as well the transverse momentum and rapidity distributions for the Y meson. The results are compared with previous
measurements and with the predictions of theoretical models.
AB - In the past few years the NA50 experiment carried out a comprehensive study of heavy quarkonia production, both in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions. In particular, data from p-A collisions have been collected in order to estimate the size of the absorption of quarkonia states in cold nuclear matter. Along with the studies on J/psi and psi', NA50 measured for the first time Y production at 450 GeV incident energy ( sqrt(s)=29.1 GeV) on five nuclear targets (Be, Al, Cu, Ag and W) in the dimuon decay channel. We report here results on the cross section at mid-rapidity and the nuclear dependence of Y and Drell-Yan production. We analyzed as well the transverse momentum and rapidity distributions for the Y meson. The results are compared with previous
measurements and with the predictions of theoretical models.
UR - https://iris.uniupo.it/handle/11579/33542
M3 - Paper
T2 - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics
Y2 - 1 January 2005
ER -