Bottomonium and Drell-Yan production in p-A collisions at the CERN SPS

B. Alessandro10 C. Alexa, R. Arnaldi Rarnaldi, M. Atayan Matayan, S. Beolë Sbeolë, V. Boldea, P. Bordalo, G. Borges Gborges, C. Castanier Ccastanier, J. Castor, B. Chaurand Bchaurand, B. Cheynis Bcheynis, E. Chiavassa Echiavassa, C. Cicalú Ccicalú, M. P. Comets, S. Constantinescu Sconstantinescu, Pietro CORTESE, A. Defalco Adefalco, N. Demarco Ndemarco, G. Dellacasa Gdellacasa, A. Devaux AdevauxS. Dita, J. Fargeix, P. Force, M. Gallio Mgallio, C. Gerschel Cgerschel, P. Giubellino, M. B. Golubeva Mbgolubeva, A. A. Grigorian Aagrigorian, S. Grigoryan Sgrigoryan, F. F. Guber, A. Guichard Aguichard, H. Gulkanyan Hgulkanyan, M. Idzik10(b MIdzik10(b, D. Jouan Djouan, T. L. Karavitcheva Tlkaravitcheva, L. Kluberg Lkluberg, A. B. Kurepin Abkurepin, Y. Lebornec, C. Lourenáo Clourenáo, M. Maccormick Mmaccormick, A. Marzari Chiesa AMarzari Chiesa, M. Masera Mmasera, A. Masoni Amasoni, M. Monteno Mmonteno, A. Musso Amusso, P. Petiau, A. Piccotti Apiccotti, J. R. Pizzi Jrpizzi, F. Prino, G. Puddu Gpuddu, C. Quintans Cquintans, Luciano RAMELLO, L. Ramello, S. Ramos Sramos, L. Riccati Lriccati, H. Santos Hsantos, P. Saturnini, E. Scomparin Escomparin, S. Serci Sserci, R. Shahoyan6(c RShahoyan6(c, F. Sigaudo, Mario SITTA, M. Sitta, P. Sonderegger, X. Tarrago Xtarrago, N. S. Topilskaya Nstopilskaya, G. L. Usai Glusai, E. Vercellin Evercellin, L. Villatte Lvillatte, N. Willis Nwillis

Risultato della ricerca: Contributo alla conferenzaContributo in Atti di Convegnopeer review


In the past few years the NA50 experiment carried out a comprehensive study of heavy quarkonia production, both in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions. In particular, data from p-A collisions have been collected in order to estimate the size of the absorption of quarkonia states in cold nuclear matter. Along with the studies on J/psi and psi', NA50 measured for the first time Y production at 450 GeV incident energy ( sqrt(s)=29.1 GeV) on five nuclear targets (Be, Al, Cu, Ag and W) in the dimuon decay channel. We report here results on the cross section at mid-rapidity and the nuclear dependence of Y and Drell-Yan production. We analyzed as well the transverse momentum and rapidity distributions for the Y meson. The results are compared with previous measurements and with the predictions of theoretical models.
Lingua originaleInglese
Numero di pagine5
Stato di pubblicazionePubblicato - 1 gen 2005
EventoInternational Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics - Lisbon
Durata: 1 gen 2005 → …


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics
Periodo1/01/05 → …


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