Dettagli progetto
The Project aims to analyse the issue of climate change from an innovative and multidisciplinary perspective, combining the approach of labour law with that of economic sciences. In particular, the integrated vision of these two disciplines makes it possible to trace the concrete impact that the environmental sustainability goals have on the organisation of work. In this context, the Project follows two different methodologies, each complementing the other. The first approach uses a theoretical method to explore the possible interactions between the traditional institutions of labour law and business organisation and the pursuit of environmental sustainability goals. After that, the Project uses an empirical method to carry out a qualitative analysis of the main organisational solutions already adopted by companies, or that companies are going to adopt. Particular attention will be paid to the solutions provided by collective bargaining, especially at company level. The Project aims to achieve the following objectives: - to formulate a mapping of widespread practices in companies with an examination of potentialities and criticalities; - to verify whether the size of the companies is a relevant variable for the management of environmental issues and the impact they have on work organisation. The working group is composite and articulate, gender-sensitive and inclusive. It brings together leading personalities from the scientific community with members of less experience, but with relevant expertise on the issues of interest.
Acronimo | SNOWY |
Stato | Attivo |
Data di inizio/fine effettiva | 4/08/23 → 30/06/25 |
- Università degli studi del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro
Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile dell’ONU
Nel 2015, gli Stati membri dell'ONU hanno sottoscritto 17 obiettivi globali di sviluppo sostenibile (OSS) per porre fine alla povertà, salvaguardare il pianeta e assicurare prosperità a tutti. Il presente lavoro contribuisce al raggiungimento dei seguenti OSS:
- Labour law
- Just transition
- Economic Sciences
- Climate change
Esplora i temi di ricerca toccati da questo progetto. Queste etichette sono generate sulla base dei riconoscimenti/sovvenzioni sottostanti. Insieme formano una fingerprint unica.