Italian Racial Imaginary Deconstructed: Afro-Italianness from the colony to the present

Progetto: Other

Dettagli progetto


The project ‘Italian Racial Imaginary Deconstructed: Afro-Italianness from the colony to the present’, consistent with the PNR area of intervention ‘Cultura umanistica, creativita`, trasformazioni sociali, societa` dell’inclusione’, aims to analyze the historical construction of the Italian racial imaginary over the period 1930-2020 by examining the contested formation of Afro-Italianness as an unstable category. It is framed as a transnational research, tackling social and cultural experiences through an inter- and transdisciplinary approach. The project conforms to PNR articulations 2, ‘Discipline umanistiche, democrazia e governance’, and 3, ‘Discipline umanistiche, ambiente e sostenibilità’: it deals with different cultural objects relating to the historical and cultural memory of complex phenomena such as racism, colonialism, decolonization and post-colonialism, migration, integration, in order to produce a public discourse free from discriminating or misleading contents. By complicating issues of identity and diversity, and enhancing inter- and transcultural dynamics, we intend to contribute to the development of a socially-aware, inclusive and sustainable society. The three general objectives of our project, divided in 7 WP distributed over 24 months, are: 1) to compare narratives and discourses in the Italian context (1930-2020), in order to chart the evolution of racist tropes and deconstruct their imaginary, with a particular focus on literature, cinema, comics, socio-political discourses, feminist and queer theories. 2) to deliver an updated, analytical bibliography of studies related to the Black diaspora in Italy and to emerging Afro-Italian identities, with a view to contributing to anti-racist curricula aimed at both academic and nonacademic learners. 3) to integrate traditional and computational research methods for the analysis of corpora, in order to create an interactive storymap of Afro-Italianness, 1930-2020.
AcronimoItalian Racial Imaginary Deconstructed (IRIDE)
Data di inizio/fine effettiva11/08/2330/06/25


  • Università degli studi del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro

Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile dell’ONU

Nel 2015, gli Stati membri dell'ONU hanno sottoscritto 17 obiettivi globali di sviluppo sostenibile (OSS) per porre fine alla povertà, salvaguardare il pianeta e assicurare prosperità a tutti. Il presente lavoro contribuisce al raggiungimento dei seguenti OSS:

  • SDG 4 - Istruzione di qualità
  • SDG 5 - Parità di genere
  • SDG 16 - Pace, giustizia e istituzioni solide


  • Racial Imaginary
  • Afro-Italianness
  • Inclusion
  • Intersectionality


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