String sigma models on curved supermanifolds

Roberto Catenacci, Pietro Antonio Grassi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We use the techniques of integral forms to analyze the easiest example of two-dimensional sigma models on a supermanifold. We write the action as an integral of a top integral form over a D = 2 supermanifold, and we show how to interpolate between different superspace actions. Then, we consider curved supermanifolds, and we show that the definitions used for flat supermanifolds can also be used for curved supermanifolds. We prove it by first considering the case of a curved rigid supermanifold and then the case of a generic curved supermanifold described by a single superfield E.

Original languageEnglish
Article number60
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2018


  • Sigma models
  • String models
  • Supermanifolds


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