Recent results on J/ψ from experiment NA50

P. Bordado, M. C. Abreu, B. Alessandro, C. Alexa, R. Arnaldi, M. Atayan, C. Baglin, A. Baldit, M. Bedjidian, S. Beolè, V. Boldea, P. Brodalo, S. R. Borenstein, C. Borges, A. Bussière, L. Capelli, C. Castagner, J. Castro, B. Chaurand, B. CheynisE. Chiavassa, C. Cicalò, T. Claudino, M. P. Comets, N. Constans, S. Constantinescu, P. Cortese, J. Cruz, A. De Falco, G. Dellacasa, N. De Marco, A. Devaux, S. Dita, O. Drapier, B. Espagnon, J. Fargeix, P. Force, M. Gallio, Y. K. Gavrilov, C. Gerschel, P. Giubellino, M. B. Golubeva, M. Gonin, A. A. Grigorian, J. Y. Grossiord, F. F. Guber, A. Guichard, H. Gulkanyan, R. Hakobyan, R. Haroutunian, M. Idzik, D. Jouan, T. L. Karavitcheva, L. Kluberg, A. B. Kurepin, Y. LeBornec, C. Lourenço, P. Macciotta, M. Mac Cormick, A. Marzari-Chiesa, M. Masera, A. Masoni, M. Monteno, A. Musso, P. Petiau, A. Piccotti, J. R. Pizzi, W. Prado da Silva, F. Prino, G. Puddu, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, L. Ramello, P. Rato Mendes, L. Riccati, A. Romana, P. Saturnini, H. Santos, E. Scalas, E. Scomparin, S. Serci, R. Shahoyan, F. Sigaudo, S. Silva, M. Sitta, P. Sonderegger, X. Tarrago, N. S. Topilskaya, G. L. Usai, E. Vercellin, L. Villatte, N. Willis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The J/psi production in Pb-Pb interactions induced by 158 GeV/c incident Pb ions is studied as a function of centrality, as estimated from the neutral transverse energy or, alternatively, from the very forward hadronic energy of the collision. The J/psi yield exhibits a similar pattern with a first drop for mid-peripheral collisions and a steady decrease for the most central reactions. Conventional hadronic models are unable, to fairly reproduce this trend which finds a natural explanation in a deconfined quark-gluon phase scenario. The J/psi transverse momentum distributions and their dependence with centrality are also reviewed in this presentation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)127c-134c
JournalNuclear Physics A
Issue number1-4
Publication statusPublished - 11 Feb 2002

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