Podlinno “rimskij” Graždanskij kodeks (Predislovie k perevodu i kommentariju Titula I Knigi IV GK Italii) A Truly ‘Roman’ Civil Code (Foreword to the Translation and Commentary on Title I Book IV of the Italian Civil Code)

Paolo Luciano GARBARINO, Tuzov

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


This article is a preface to the translation and commentary on Title I Book Four of the Italian Civil Code of 1942 which is still in force in Italy. It sketches Italian private law and the history of Italian civil codification, the system and peculiarities of the Code itself. The main specific trait of the Code in general and of its Title I ‘On Obligations in General’ in Book Four ‘On Liabilities’ is their strong Romanistic character. The Russian translation and article by article commentary of this title are published immediately after this article. The article also describes the development of types of sources of obligations from Roman law through Civil Codes of France and Italy (1865) till the current Italian Civil Code.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)114-128
Number of pages15
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2021


  • Italian Civil Code
  • Codice civile italiano
  • obligations
  • obbligazioni
  • history of civil law
  • comparative private law

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