Non-perturbative effective interactions from fluxes

Marco Billò, Livia Ferro, Marialuisa Frau, Francesco Fucito, Alberto Lerda, Jose F. Morales

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Motivated by possible implications on the problem of moduli stabilization and other phenomenological aspects, we study D-brane instanton effects in flux compactifications. We focus on a local model and compute non-perturbative interactions generated by gauge and stringy instantons in a N = 1 quiver theory with gauge group U(N0) × U(N1) and matter in the bifundamentals. This model is engineered with fractional D3-branes at a ℂ3/(ℤ2 × ℤ2) singularity and its non-perturbative sectors are described by introducing fractional D-instantons. We find a rich variety of instanton-generated interactions, ranging from superpotentials and Beasley-Witten like multi-fermion terms to non-perturbative flux-induced instanton interactions.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 22 Dec 2008


  • Brane dynamics in gauge theories
  • D-branes


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