N = 1/2 quiver gauge theories from open strings with R-R fluxes

Marco Billó, Marialuisa Frau, Fabio Lonegro, Alberto Lerda

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We consider a four dimensional N 1 gauge theory with bifundamental matter and a superpotential, defined on stacks of fractional branes. By turning on a flux for the R-R gravi photon field strength and computing open string amplitudes with insertions of R-R closed string vortices, we introduce a non-anticommutative deformation and obtain the N 1/2 version of the theory. We also comment on the appearance of a new structure in the effective lagrangian.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1335-1363
Number of pages29
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2005


  • D-branes
  • Extended Supersymmetry
  • Gauge Symmetry


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