La tutela dell’ambiente nella Costituzione italiana: tra interessi delle generazioni future e responsabilità della generazione presente

Translated title of the contribution: [Machine translation] Environmental protection in the Italian Constitution: between the interests of future generations and the responsibility of the present generation

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


[Machine translation] The Author retraces the salient passages of constitutional history in the field of environmental protection, to focus attention on the meaning of the entry of the protection of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems into the Italian Constitution following the reform of 2022. The element of real novelty is found in the persistence of an anthropocentric vision, in which, however, the human being is no longer a predator, but a guardian; no longer the bearer of rights but of duties. The idea of the future also changes, not only the framework for the unfolding of the effects of political action, but an object of care, a dimension to be preserved, to guarantee the very assumptions of human existence and action.
Translated title of the contribution[Machine translation] Environmental protection in the Italian Constitution: between the interests of future generations and the responsibility of the present generation
Original languageItalian
Issue number1
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 24 Nov 2023


  • ambiente – costituzione - antropocentrismo dei doveri – ecologia integrale – responsabilità – interesse delle generazioni future


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