Translated title of the contribution: [Machine translation] The UNPLUGGED ITALIA website

A Bobbio, M Marighella, GL Cuomo, S Vadrucci, S Randino, S Salmaso, Federica Daniela VIGNA TAGLIANTI

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


[Machine translation] Introduction: Unplugged is a school program, developed and evaluated as part of the European EuDAP project, which has been effective in preventing the use of tobacco and cannabis, and episodes of drunkenness in children aged 12-14. It was promoted in Italy thanks to the project Gaining Health in Adolescence. During the project, the national coordination group trained 315 service operators from 12 Italian regions. At the end of the project, it was decided to create an Unplugged Italia website to support the dissemination of Unplugged in Italian regions. Objectives: The site was developed with the objective of: - create a place for maintaining the network of Unplugged trainers; - enhance the activities carried out by the network of Italian Unplugged trainers and the national coordination center; - propose constant scientific and theoretical updates and insights - collect and tell the Italian experience of Unplugged; - promote the sharing of experiences; - provide trainers with the materials necessary for the application of the program in the classroom; - facilitate the finding of useful territorial information and contacts for schools. Materials and methods: The website is located at the following address and includes the following sections: - Unplugged: information on the program, objectives and methodologies. - The eu-DAP study: description of the effectiveness evaluation project; - Active regions: list of regions that apply the program, with the names of local trainers, territorial representatives and schools that apply Unplugged; - Materials: reports, publications and other materials on the program and monitoring; - Coordination/Where we are: contacts of the National Coordination group; - Agenda: training events for trainers and teachers; - Experiences: testimonials and comments from trainers, teachers, parents, students. - Reserved area/Unplugged trainers: updated confidential materials - Reserved area/monitoring: data entry mask (reserved for Unplugged trainers) Results: The site hosts a complete and continuously updated database of 589 trainers active on the national territory, whose contacts are easily available. Scientific updates are periodically published on various aspects of interest to trainers. The update on events and the sharing of information has been enhanced through the establishment of a quarterly newsletter. The site has received significant approval from the network of trainers. Conclusions: The UnpluggedItalia website is a tool that enhances the potential of the network of Unplugged trainers and of all those interested in substance use prevention programs. The presence of the site is an opportunity to relaunch, on a national level, the Unplugged project.
Translated title of the contribution[Machine translation] The UNPLUGGED ITALIA website
Original languageItalian
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventIII edizione della manifestazione nazionale di Guadagnare salute “Costruire insieme la salute. Programmi ed interventi di promozione della salute tra intersettorialità, sostenibilità ed efficacia” - Orvieto
Duration: 1 Jan 2014 → …


ConferenceIII edizione della manifestazione nazionale di Guadagnare salute “Costruire insieme la salute. Programmi ed interventi di promozione della salute tra intersettorialità, sostenibilità ed efficacia”
Period1/01/14 → …


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