“hiere, atropella, rompe y desbarata” (VI, v. 156). La poetización de las batallas en La hermosura de Angélica de Lope de Vega

Translated title of the contribution: [Machine translation] “It wounds, runs over, breaks and destroys” (VI, v. 156). The poetization of battles in The Beauty of Angélica de Lope de Vega

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


[Machine translation] The gleaned examples of The Beauty of Angélica, a continuation of Orlando Furioso, allow us to affirm that from an artistic point of view, the war theme provides the Madrilenian with a remarkable repertoire of situations, poetic tones and plastic images, as well as any other subject, allowing his versatile pen to imitate and experiment at the same time, adhering, as he usually does, to one of the fundamental aesthetic principles of the Baroque, that of variatio. The battles are portrayed poetically in their brutal and dehumanized dimension, but also ironic and pathetic. Shattered bodies are evoked in a metonymic and almost abstract way, as well as in their tragic and pitiful materiality. Lope should not have appreciated the military dimension of history at all, and if he shed a lot of ink writing about conflicts, battles and duels, both in his dramatic pieces and in his cultured works, he was bound by the cultural and ideological circumstances in which he lived, but every time he could he continued to express his personal horror at the terrible consequences of Cainism inherent to every form of violence exercised by a human being against another human being.
Translated title of the contribution[Machine translation] “It wounds, runs over, breaks and destroys” (VI, v. 156). The poetization of battles in The Beauty of Angélica de Lope de Vega
Original languageSpanish
Title of host publicationLa cultura de defensa en la literatura hispánica del Siglo de Oro
PublisherIberoamericana, Vervuert
Number of pages19
ISBN (Print)978-84-9192-440-1
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • La hermosura de Angélica
  • Lope de Vega
  • implicaciones estéticas y éticas
  • representación poética batallas
  • variatio


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