Geografie perdute, storie ritrovate: percorsi di partecipazione e sviluppo locale nelle Terre di Mezzo

Translated title of the contribution: [Machine translation] Lost geographies, rediscovered stories: paths of participation and local development in the Middle Lands

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


[Machine translation] So I am participating, I am, a Cartesian reference that in many Italian contexts seems to have become the key element of numerous initiatives. This is what happened for Comuniterràe, a project launched in 2016 by ten small municipalities in the Valgrande National Park in Piedmont, adopted as a case study by contributing to investigating the role that communities play in proposing and taking charge of initiatives to recover and value local resources. Two Valleys, ten communities, a dense network of inhabited areas make up the so-called Middle Lands. Three hundred inhabitants have helped to define their identity, through a participatory journey that led to the creation of community maps, from which the Community project started: it is a new cultural landscape that, beyond municipal borders, collects and directs the energies of communities towards shared dynamics of local development and sustainable tourism. The project has gained visibility and awards at European level (Our Europe, Creative Europe). The originality of the paper lies in the geographical interpretation proposed in relation to participatory governance at the base of the scientific project-object of research, addressed with methodological rigor and with significant impact in the context of the national and European scientific debate.
Translated title of the contribution[Machine translation] Lost geographies, rediscovered stories: paths of participation and local development in the Middle Lands
Original languageItalian
Pages (from-to)57-80
Number of pages24
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • community mapping
  • local development
  • mappe di comunità collaborative planning
  • pianificazione collaborativa
  • sviluppo locale


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