From paper to informatics: The post soft care-app, an easy-to-use and fast tool to help therapists identify unmet needs in stroke patients

Daniela De Bartolo, Giovanni Morone, Alessandro Lupo, Aloise Fabio, Alessio Baricich, Davide Di Francesco, Cristina Calderone, Carlo Cisari, Giorgia Verdecchia, Giorgio Sandrini, Caterina Pistarini, Gabriella Antonucci, Nicola Smania, Stefano Paolucci, Marco Iosa

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Even after rehabilitation, post stroke patients remain disabled. The Post Stroke Checklist (PSC) was developed to highlight unmet needs of community-dwelling stroke patients. The present study set out to validate Post Soft Care-App, designed to administer the PSC using smartphones and tablets, in order to monitor unmet needs in chronic patients. Fifty-three patients and fifteen physiotherapists were enrolled. The therapists ad-ministered the PSC to patients using the app, and then completed a structured questionnaire on its usability and utility. The Post Soft Care-App highlighted the following unmet needs: increased spasticity (56.6%), reduced independence in activities of daily living (47.2%), reduced mobility (45.3%), absence of secondary prevention (45.3%). Therapists positively evaluated Post Soft Care-App as useful, practical, quick to complete (96.2%), and effective in helping improve communication with patients (75.5%). The Post Soft Care-App can be considered a valid assessment tool for helping therapists to monitor functional outcomes in chronic patients.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)200-205
Number of pages6
JournalFunctional Neurology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2018


  • Long-term outcomes
  • Neuropsychology
  • Patient care
  • Quality of life
  • Rehabilitation
  • Stroke


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