Exploring new roles for case-based reasoning in heterogeneous AI systems for medical decision support

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Background Supporting medical decision making is a complex task, that offers challenging research issues to Artificial Intelligence (AI) scientists. The Case-based Reasoning (CBR) methodology has been proposed as a possible means for supporting decision making in this domain since the 1980s. Nevertheless, despite the variety of efforts produced by the CBR research community, and the number of issues properly handled by means of this methodology, the success of CBR systems in medicine is somehow limited, and almost no research product has been fully tested and commercialized; one of the main reasons for this may be found in the nature of the problem domain, which is extremely complex and multi-faceted. Materials and methods In this environment, we propose to design a modular architecture, in which several AI methodologies cooperate, to provide decision support. In the resulting context CBR, originally conceived as a well suited reasoning paradigm for medical applications, can extend its original roles, and cover a set of additional tasks. Results and conclusions As an example, in the paper we will show how CBR can be exploited for configuring the parameters relied upon by other (reasoning) modules. Other possible ways of deploying CBR in this domain will be the object of our future investigations, and, in our opinion, a possible research direction for people working on CBR in the health sciences.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)275-285
Number of pages11
JournalApplied Intelligence
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2008


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