empty vein ablation (eVa) technique: an in-vivo animal model to assess the effects of sclerosing agent concentration and wall contact time on intima and media tunicae structure

Mario Salerno, Daniele Bissacco, Yung Wei Chi, Sryram Narayanan, Alessandro Addis, Claudia Dellavia, Elena Canciani, Paolo C. Righini, Giovanni Nano, Sergio Gianesini

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Background: Sclerotherapy is a cornerstone of the treatment of chronic venous disease, despite some technical aspects (e.g., sclerosant liquid agent concentration [SLAC] and contact time between sclerosant agent and vein wall [ctSA/VW]) to maximize outcomes remain an unsolved problem and a source of debate. An innovative three-balloon catheter has been developed to allow sclerotherapy in empty vein conditions (Empty Vein Ablation technique, EVA), revolutionizing the definition of SLAC and ctSA/VW. Aim of this experimental study is to analyze EVA effects on intima and media vessel tunicae using different SLAC and ctSA/VW in an in-vivo animal model. Methods: Two adult sheep were treated by EVA using jugular and common iliac vein axes (eight vein segments). Different SLAC (polidocanol 0.5% or 1%) and different ctSA/VW (3 or 5 minutes) were combined for testing residual circumferential intima percentage and media thickness after EVA. Results: Intact circumferential residual intima after the treatment was 21.3±4.9%, 18.2±7.4%, 15.7±2.4% and 8.9±2.0% using 0.5% (3 min), 0.5% (5 min), 1% (3 min) and 1% (5 min), respectively (R2=0.945; control sample: 97.6%). Media thickness after the treatment was 121.6±35.3 µm, 110.9±7.8 µm, 96.1±30.4 µm and 79.1±34.1 µm using 0.5% (3 min), 0.5% (5 min), 1% (3 min) and 1% (5 min), respectively (R2=0.990; control sample 125.7 µm). No significant modifications were detected analyzing the adventitia in all samples. Conclusions: EVA proved to be effective in venous wall destruction even with a very low SLAC and ctSA/VW (0.5% in 3 minutes), in quite large caliber veins. Direct comparisons with foam/liquid sclerotherapy should be done to confirm therapeutic effectiveness of these results, despite EVA has provided a maximized and controlled SA/VW contact time and ratio.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)223-228
Number of pages6
JournalInternational Angiology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2024


  • Chronic venous disease
  • Empty vein ablation
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Varicose veins


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