Ecclesiologie e spiritualità a confronto nella poesia religiosa manierista e barocca. Ancora sulla collocazione confessionale di Chassignet

Translated title of the contribution: [Machine translation] Ecclesiologies and spirituality compared in mannerist and baroque religious poetry. Still on the confessional position of Chasignet

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[Machine translation] This study stems from a precise historical analysis, in a geo-political key (from the reign of Henry III to that of Henry IV), focused, in particular, on the political geography of the Spanish Franche-Comté on the one hand (territory in which Chasignet moves), on the other, of that of Besançon, the author's city of birth, but then again on the relations maintained by Chassignet with the France of Henry III and then of Henry IV, to identify in a definitive key his confessional affiliation, erroneously related to some of Michèle's works Clément to Protestant spirituality. The article proposed here definitively places the author of Mespris within Catholic spirituality, reconstructs for the first time the confessional supply chain of Chasignet, placing him in a certainly unquestionable way within Catholic theology (two of Chasignet's brothers are a priest and the other a Catholic canonist in Besançon, he himself trained at the University of Dole, with a clear Catholic theological-confessional imprint, etc.), of which he remains one of the most significant representatives of meditative and penitential poetry between the 16th and 17th centuries. The investigations, conducted from a historical-spiritual, historiographic and philological perspective, with particular attention to the history of Catholic and Reformed theology between the 15th and 17th centuries, shed light for the first time, through textual analysis and historiographic reconstructions, unknown or unpublished historical data on spiritual formation, on the in-depth knowledge of Chasignet's Catholic theology and, therefore, on his confessional affiliation in the complex period of the sixteenth-century Reformation and Counter-Reformation, also in the light of the difficult the political-spiritual context in which Chasignet moved between 1592 and 1594 (years of drafting the Oeuvres Sacrez and Mespris) and of certain paratexts that proved to be fundamental for the reconstruction of the author's Catholic confessional dimension.
Translated title of the contribution[Machine translation] Ecclesiologies and spirituality compared in mannerist and baroque religious poetry. Still on the confessional position of Chasignet
Original languageItalian
Pages (from-to)361-442
Number of pages82
JournalRivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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