Combination between mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width to predict the prevalence and extent of coronary artery disease: Results from a large cohort study

Giuseppe De Luca, Gioel G. Secco, Monica Verdoia, Ettore Cassetti, Alon Schaffer, Lorenzo Coppo, Paolo Marino

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The aim of the current study was to investigate whether thecombination between mean platelet volume (MPV) andplatelet distribution width (PDW) may improve theprognostic information in the prediction of prevalence andextent of coronary artery disease (CAD).We measured MPVand PDW in 2330 consecutive patients undergoing coronaryangiography.Significant CAD was defined as stenosis morethan 50% in at least one coronary vessel. We additionallymeasured carotid intimamedia thickness (IMT) in 359patients. Patients were grouped according to the medianvalue of MPV (10.8fl) and PDW (13fl): Group 1 (MPV andPDW<50th percentile; nU958); Group 2 (MPV or PDW>50th percentile; nU288); Group 3 (MPW and PDW >50thpercentile; nU1055). Patients in Group 3 were older(P<0.001) with larger prevalence of diabetes (PU0.024).Combined MPV-PWD was significantly associated withbaseline glycemia (P>0.001) and red blood cell count(P<0.0001), but inversely related to platelet count(P>0.0001). Combined MPV-PDW was inversely associatedwith the presence of thrombus, but directly related to theprevalence of chronic occlusion and worse TIMI flow.However, combined MPV-MPV was not associated with theprevalence of CAD [odds ratio (OR) (95% confidenceinterval (CI)U0.99 (0.901.09), PU0.87; adjusted OR(95%CI)U0.95 (0.851.05), PU0.3], or severe CAD [OR(95%CI)U1.05 (0.951.16), PU0.3; adjusted OR (95%CI)U0.97 (0.871.08), PU0.63]. No relationship wasobserved between IMT and the combination of PDW andMPW. This study showed that the combined information onMPV and PDW is not related to the extent of CAD and carotidIMT. Thus, both MPV and PDW can not be considered as arisk factor for CAD. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 25:8691.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)86-91
Number of pages6
JournalBlood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2014
Externally publishedYes


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