CCK receptors-related signaling involved in nitric oxide production caused by gastrin 17 in porcine coronary endothelial cells

Elena Grossini, Philippe Caimmi, Claudio Molinari, Francesca Uberti, David Mary, Giovanni Vacca

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In anesthetized pigs gastrin-17 increased coronary blood flow through CCK1/CCK2 receptors and β 2-adrenoceptors-related nitric oxide (NO) release. Since the intracellular pathway has not been investigated the purpose of this study was to examine in coronary endothelial cells the CCK1/CCK2 receptors-related signaling involved in the effects of gastrin-17 on NO release. Gastrin-17 caused a concentration-dependent increase of NO production (17.3-62.6%; p<0.05), which was augmented by CCK1/CCK2 receptors agonists (p<0.05). The effect of gastrin-17 was amplified by the adenylyl-cyclase activator and β 2-adrenoceptors agonist (p<0.05), abolished by cAMP/PKA and β 2-adrenoceptors and CCK1/CCK2 receptors blockers, and reduced by PLC/PKC inhibitor. Finally, Western-blot revealed the preferential involvement of PKA vs. PKC as downstream effectors of CCK1/CCK2 receptors activation leading to Akt, ERK, p38 and endothelial NOS (eNOS) phosphorylation. In conclusion, in coronary endothelial cells, gastrin-17 induced eNOS-dependent NO production through CCK1/CCK2 receptors- and β 2-adrenoceptors-related pathway. The intracellular signaling involved a preferential PKA pathway over PKC.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)20-30
Number of pages11
JournalMolecular and Cellular Endocrinology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 5 Mar 2012


  • CCK receptors
  • Gastrin 17
  • Nitric oxide
  • Signaling


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