ALPO-34 and SAPO-34 synthesized by using morpholine as templating agent. FTIR and FT-Raman studies of the host-guest and guest-guest interactions within the zeolitic framework

L. Marchese, A. Frache, E. Gianotti, G. Martra, M. Causà, S. Coluccia

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


IR and Raman spectra of morpholine, a structure-directing agent, entrapped within the chabasite-related structures of both ALPO-34 and SAPO-34, are discussed. It is revealed that some vibrational features of the morpholine, which is present in the protonic form, are very sensitive to both host-guest (framework-morpholine) and guest-guest (morpholine-morpholine and morpholine-water) interactions occurring within the zeolites. FTIR spectroscopy shows that: (a) the NH2 group of the protonated morpholine is H-bonded to the zeolitic frameworks (more strongly in SAPO-34); (b) the CH2 vibrations in the 1500-1300cm-1 region are sensitive to the surrounding being different for the ALPO-34 compared with the SAPO-34. Raman spectroscopy reveals that the ring-breathing mode of the morpholine has a small red-shift (from 822cm-1 for the protonated molecule in solution, to 815cm-1 in SAPO-34), and is deeply decreased in intensity when the molecule is in the constrained space of the zeolitic cages. In this case, two new modes at 472 and 245cm-1, tentatively assigned to morpholine-framework motions, are also present. IR and Raman bands are better resolved in the case of morpholine in ALPO-34 where the template-framework interactions are weaker.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)145-153
Number of pages9
JournalMicroporous and Mesoporous Materials
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Aug 1999


  • Aluminophosphates
  • Characterization
  • FTIR
  • Morpholine
  • Raman
  • SAPO-34
  • Synthesis
  • TGA


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